Molecular Biology and Genetics

Study Field: 06.03.01 Biology
Bachelor’s degree programme: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Living Systems in their Diversity and Biological Productivity, Products of Biosynthesis; Biological Information and Characteristics of Research Objects; Research and Project Work; Plans, Regulations, Instructions and Estimates of Research and Monitoring Work in the Field of Biology, Protocols of Monitoring Studies.
Language of instruction: English



The aim of the basic professional educational programme of higher education in the study field06.03.01. Biology, Bachelor’s degree programme - Molecular biology and genetics is:
– training of highly qualified specialists with creative thinking in the field of MolecularBiology and Genetics, oriented to successful professional activity, being competitive specialistson the labor market, taking into account professional needs in the field of research of molecular-structural organization of living systems and genetic regularities of their existence, use ofbiological systems for economic and medical purposes, nature protection, able to use moderninformation technologies for processing the results of conducted research, capable and ready forinnovative development of scientific institutions and individual organizations;
– creating conditions for the personal and professional development of the student,contributing to his/her effective adaptation in the socio-cultural environment: development andformation of the personality of the student - a future specialist, combining high education,profound professional knowledge, skills and abilities, possessing a humanistic worldview, astable system of moral and civic values, developing in students a sense of respect for law andorder, for the older generation, mutual respect, and a careful attitude to cultural heritage, natureand the environment.

The programme is aimed at forming universal, general professional and professionalcompetencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Standard of HigherEducation in this field of study, with the results of the analysis of the requirements forprofessional competencies for graduates in the labor market and generalization of domestic andforeign experience and consultations with employers.



On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    apply knowledge of biological diversity and to use methods of observation, identification, classification, reproduction and cultivation of living objects to solve professional tasks;
•    apply the principles of structural and functional organization, to use physiological, cytological, biochemical, biophysical methods of analysis to assess and correct the condition of living objects
•    and monitor their habitat;
•    apply knowledge of the basics of evolutionary theory, to use modern ideas about the structural
•    and functional organization of the genetic program of living objects and methods of molecular biology, genetics and developmental biology to study mechanisms of ontogenesis and phylogenesis in professional activity;
•    take measures for protecting, using, monitoring and restoring biological resources, to use knowledge of the laws and methods of general and applied ecology;
•    apply modern ideas about the basics of biotechnological and biomedical production, genetic engineering, nanobiotechnology, molecular modeling in professional activity;
•    use basic laws of physics, chemistry, earth sciences and biology in professional activity, to apply methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research, to acquire new mathematical and natural science knowledge using modern educational and information technologies;
•    understand operating principles of modern information technologies and to use them to solve professional tasks;
•    use methods of
•    collecting, processing, systematizing and presenting field and laboratory data, to work with modern equipment to and analyze the results obtained;
•    select and use hardware and software tools and instruments, as well as research methods to solve
•    biological research tasks;
•    provide information support for research;
•    carry out monitoring and project studies;
•    organize the work of a small team to solve current professional tasks while ensuring safe working conditions;
•    organize material and technical support for professional activity.


Graduates of study field 06.03.01 Biology (Bachelor’s degree programme - Molecular biology and genetics) will be able to realize their professional potential in research institutions,
production enterprises and controlling structures of the corresponding profile, to work as specialists in biological diagnostics laboratories, employees of environmental organizations and institutions, sanitary-epidemiological, biochemical, medical organizations.

Дата создания: 11.12.2024 11:43
Дата обновления: 11.12.2024 13:06