Social Psychology of Personality


Study Field: 37.03.01 Psychology
Bachelor’s degree programme:
Social Psychology of Personality
4 years (8 semesters)
Fields of study:
Mental Processes, Properties and States of a Person, Their Manifestations in Different Areas of Human Life Activity, in Interpersonal and Social Interactions at the Level of an Individual, Group, Community, as well as Ways and Forms of Their Organisation, Change, Impact. Education, Labour, Communication Systems and Processes.
Language of instruction:


The aim of the basic professional educational programme of higher education in the study field 37.03.01 Psychology is a comprehensive support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education 3++ in this area of training and, on this basis, the modernization of the content of psychological education and methodological training of future psychologists; intensification of innovative activities in the organization of the educational process in the field of training in accordance with the traditions of research activities of the teaching staff; formation of students' personal qualities that contribute to their creative activity, general cultural growth and social mobility: purposefulness, responsibility, independence, commitment to ethical values, tolerance; as well as the possession of professional competencies.

The main goals of the basic professional educational programme of higher education in the study field 37.03.01 Psychology are the following:
– training bachelors who have a set of universal, general professional and professional competencies and able to carry out professional activities within the framework of the qualification of an employee;
– creating conditions for the personal and professional development of the student, contributing to his effective adaptation in the socio-cultural environment of the Russian and international community: developing and forming student’s personality - a future specialist who combines high education, deep professional knowledge, skills and abilities, has a humanistic worldview, a stable system of moral and civic values, forming a sense of patriotism in students,  citizenship, respect for the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland and the feats of the heroes of the Fatherland, law and order, for the working man and the older generation, mutual respect, respect for the cultural heritage and traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, nature and the environment.



On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    carry out scientific research in the field of professional activity on the basis of modern methodology;  
•    apply methods of collecting, analyze and interpret empirical data in accordance with the task at hand, assess the reliability of empirical data and validity of conclusions of scientific research;
•    select adequate, reliable and valid methods of quantitative and qualitative psychological assessment, organize data collection to solve psychodiagnostic tasks in a given area of research and practice;
•    use basic forms of psychological assistance to solve a specific problem of individuals, groups and (or) organisations, including persons with disabilities and in the organisation of inclusive education;
•    perform organisational and technical work in the implementation of specific activities of preventive, developmental, corrective and rehabilitative nature;
•    assess and meet the needs and requirements of the target audience to stimulate interest in psychological knowledge, practice and services;
•    maintain a level of professional competence, including through understanding and willingness to work under supervision;
•    carry out his/her professional functions in different types of organisations, consciously following organisational policies and procedures;
•    understand the principles of modern information technologies and use them to solve professional tasks;
•    carry out educational and preventive work in accordance with the requests of different social groups, individuals in difficult life situations, employees of educational and social organisations, as well as vulnerable segments of the population (clients);
•    carry out psychological diagnostics in order to provide psychological assistance to social groups, individuals in difficult life situations, employees of educational and social organisations, as well as vulnerable population groups (clients);
•    perform organisational functions in corrective-developmental and supportive activities for representatives of social groups, individuals in difficult life situations, employees of educational and/or social sphere organisations, as well as for vulnerable population (clients).


Graduates can work as a psychologist in the field of education and the social sphere, as well as in the fields of professional activity, provided that the level of their education corresponds to the qualification of the employee.



Дата создания: 28.11.2024 13:07
Дата обновления: 28.11.2024 13:14